An equivalent model for exactly solving the multiple-choice multidimensional knapsack problem

The Multiple-choice Multi-dimensional Knapsack Problem (MMKP) is a problem which can be encountered in real-world applications, such as service level agreement, model of allocation resources, or as a dynamic adaptation of system of resources for multimedia multi-sessions. In this paper, we investigate the use of a new model-based Lagrangian relaxation for optimally solving the MMKP. In order to tackle large-scale problem instances, we curtail the search process for providing approximate solutions. We then apply the Cplex solver using both original and equivalent models. In this case, the Cplex solver becomes more efficient when the new model is used. Also, when the proposed method is considered as a heuristic, then it outperforms the Cplex solver using the original model: new solution values are obtained.

Keywords: Heuristic; Knapsack; Lagrangian relaxation; Optimality.

Mhand Hifi and Lei Wu


Benchmark instances:

download (I1-13 and INST01-20)

Application d’un nouveau critère de robustesse pour le problème du plus court chemin

En optimisation, les sources d’incertitude et d’imprécision sont nombreuses et rendent souvent difficiles l’affectation d’une unique valeur plausible à chacun des paramètres du modèle. Il peut alors être plus pertinent de retenir un ensemble de valeurs possibles pour chacun des paramètres. Un scénario est défini en choisissant une unique valeur dans chacun des ensembles. Dans ce contexte, une solution robuste doit être aussi bonne que possible dans une grande majorité de scénarios et jamais trop mauvaise. Cette caractérisation donne lieu à de nombreuses interprétations possibles qui justifient différentes approches de la robustesse. Ces approches se distinguent par les différents modèles utilisés pour représenter les facteurs d’incertitude, par les méthodologies utilisées pour mesurer la robustesse, et finalement par la conception et l’analyse des méthodes de résolution. Dans ce papier, nous nous focalisons sur l’application de nouveaux critères pour le plus court chemin avec des valeurs incertaines sur les arcs. Nous commençons par rappeler deux modèles d’incertitude habituellement considérés : le modèle par intervalle et le modèle par ensemble discret de scénarios. Pour chacun d’entre eux, nous appliquons les nouveaux critères de robustesse appelés bw-robustesse et bw-déviation (proposés initialement par B. Roy) qui généralisent respectivement les critères du pire cas et du regret maximum. Dans chacun des cas, nous avons à résoudre des programmes linéaires en nombres entiers de très grandes tailles. Nos expérimentations numériques sur des graphes de grandes tailles montrent qu’un solveur standard de type Cplex est capable de résoudre ces nouveaux problèmes, ce qui est très prometteur du point de vue de l’analyse de robustesse.

Keywords: Robustness analysis; Shortest path problem; Worst case criterion; Integer linear programming.

Virginie Gabrel, Cécile Murat, Lei Wu


New models for the robust shortest path problem: complexity, resolution and generalization

In optimization, it is common to deal with uncertain and inaccurate factors which make it difficult to assign a single value to each parameter in the model. It may be more suitable to assign a set of values to each uncertain parameter. A scenario is defined as a realization of the uncertain parameters. In this context, a robust solution has to be as good as possible on a majority of scenarios and never be too bad. Such characterization admits numerous possible interpretations and therefore gives rise to various approaches of robustness. These approaches differ from each other depending on models used to represent uncertain factors, on methodology used to measure robustness, and finally on analysis and design of solution methods. In this paper, we focus on the application of a recent criterion for the shortest path problem with uncertain arc lengths. We first present two usual uncertainty models: the interval model and the discrete scenario set model. For each model, we then apply a criterion, called bw-robustness (originally proposed by B. Roy) which defines a new measure of robustness. According to each uncertainty model, we propose a formulation in terms of large scale integer linear program. Furthermore, we analyze the theoretical complexity of the resulting problems. Our computational experiments perform on a set of large scale graphs. By observing the results, we can conclude that the approved solvers, e.g. Cplex, are able to solve the mathematical models proposed which are promising for robustness analysis. In the end, we show that our formulations can be applied to the general linear program in which the objective function includes uncertain coefficients.

Keywords: Robustness analysis; Shortest path problem; Worst case criterion; Integer linear programming.

Virginie Gabrel, Cécile Murat, Lei Wu


A Fast Large Neighborhood Search for Disjunctively Constrained Knapsack Problems

In this paper a fast large neighborhood search-based heuristic is proposed for solving the Disjunctively Constrained Knapsack Problem (DCKP). The proposed method combines a two-phase procedure and a large neighborhood search. First, a two-phase procedure is applied in order to construct a starting feasible solution of the DCKP. Its first phase serves to determine a feasible solution by combining two complementary problems: the weighted independent set problem and the classical binary knapsack problem. Its second phase uses a descent method trying to improve the current solution by applying both degrading and re-optimizing strategies. Second, a large neighborhood search is used for diversifying the search space. Finally, the performance of the proposed method is computationally analyzed on a set of benchmark instances for the literature and its results are compared to those reached by both Cplex solver and more recent algorithms in the literature. Several improved solutions have been obtained within small average runtime.

Keywords: Heuristic; knapsack; neighborhood; re-optimisation.

Mhand Hifi, Sagvan Saleh, Lei Wu


A version on ResearchGate: source

Benchmark instances: download (I1-13 and INST01-20)

New upper bounds and exact methods for the knapsack sharing problem

In this paper, we study the knapsack sharing problem (KSP), which is a variant of the well-known NP-Hard knapsack problem. We investigate the use of a dichotomous search-based exact method for solving the KSP. Such a method is based on decomposing the original problem into a series of minimizing and maximizing knapsack problems, where each of them is embedded into a dichotomous search bounded by both lower and upper bounds. Throughout the interval search, we introduce new upper bounds and incremental valid lower bounds. One of these upper bounds can be viewed as an extended of Dantzig upper bound whereas a series of valid lower bounds are obtained when solving a subset of knapsack problems. Finally, the proposed algorithm is evaluated on a set of problem instances of the literature and other new harder ones. The provided results are compared to those reached by the Cplex solver and a more recent exact algorithm of the literature. The computational part shows the dominance of the new exact method.

Keywords: Combinatorial optimization; Decomposition; Discrete optimization; Knapsack; Optimality; Sharing; Upper bound.

Mhand Hifi and Lei Wu


Hybrid greedy heuristics based on linear programming for the three-dimensional single bin-size bin packing problem


In this paper, we propose to solve the three-dimensional single bin-size bin packing problem (3D-SBSBPP) using a simple strategy based on integer linear programming (ILP) heuristics, without using any improvement based on metaheuristics. We first propose an ILP that is converted into a series of three-dimensional single knapsack problems (3D-SKP). Then, the first tailored heuristic can be viewed as a hybrid approach in which both “selection” and “positioning” phases are combined. The first phase serves to select a subset of items where each of these items is susceptible to belonging to an active container. The positioning phase serves to pack a subset of items already preselected by the selection phase. Then, both phases cooperate till packing all items into their corresponding containers. The second heuristic can be viewed as an extended version of the first one. Indeed, before deciding whether the current container is closed or a new container is activated, “a local reoptimization phase” is considered. Finally, both proposed heuristics are evaluated on a set of random instances obtained by using the standard generator scheme of the literature. The provided results show that both proposed heuristics remain competitive when compared to the results obtained by one of the best methods of the literature.

Keywords: Bin packing; heuristics; linear programming; two-dimensional knapsack.

Mhand Hifi, Stephane Negre, Lei Wu


Benchmark instances:

download (mpv10-90), download (mpv50-200)

A Linear Programming Approach for the Three-Dimensional Bin-Packing Problem


In this paper we consider the three-dimensional bin packing problem (3D-BPP), when the bins are identical with the aim of minimizing the number of the used bins. We introduce a mixed-integer linear programming formulation (MILP1). Some special valid inequalities will be presented in order to improve the relaxed lower bound of MILP1. A large set of experimental tests has been carried out. The obtained results show that our method provides a satisfactory performance.

Keywords: Bin-packing; integer linear programming; scheduling.

Mhand Hifi, Imed Kacem, Stephane Negre, Lei Wu


Benchmark instances: download

A hybrid guided neighborhood search for the disjunctively constrained knapsack problem

In this paper, we investigate the use of a hybrid guided neighborhood search for solving the disjunctively constrained knapsack problem. The studied problem may be viewed as a combination of two NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems: the weighted-independent set and the classical binary knapsack. The proposed algorithm is a hybrid approach that combines both deterministic and random local searches. The deterministic local search is based on a descent method, where both building and exploring procedures are alternatively used for improving the solution at hand. In order to escape from a local optima, a random local search strategy is introduced which is based on a modified ant colony optimization system. During the search process, the ant colony optimization system tries to diversify and to enhance the solutions using some informations collected from the previous iterations. Finally, the proposed algorithm is computationally analyzed on a set of benchmark instances available in the literature. The provided results are compared to those realized by both the Cplex solver and a recent algorithm of the literature. The computational part shows that the obtained results improve most existing solution values.

Keywords: Combinatorial optimization; hybridation; integer programming; knapsack; neighborhood.

Mhand Hifi, Sagvan Saleh, Lei Wu


Benchmark instances: download

Lagrangian heuristic-based neighborhood search for the multiple-choice multi-dimensional knapsack

This paper addresses a Lagrangian heuristic-based neighborhood search for the multiple- choice multi-dimensional knapsack problem, an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. The problem is solved by using a cooperative approach that uses a local search for exploring a series of neighborhoods induced from the Lagrangian relaxation. Each neighborhood is submitted to an optimization process using two alternative strategies: reducing and moving strategies. The reducing strategy serves to reduce the current search space whereas the moving strategy explores the new search space. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated on benchmark instances taken from the literature. Its obtained results are compared to those reached by some recent methods available in the literature. New solutions have been obtained for almost 80% of the instances tested.

Keywords: Knapsack; Lagrangian relaxation; neighbourhood; optimization.

Mhand Hifi and Lei Wu


A version on ResearchGate: source

Benchmark instances:

download (I1-13 and INST01-20), download (instance1-256)

An exact decomposition algorithm for the generalized knapsack sharing problem


This paper presents an exact algorithm for solving the knapsack sharing problem with common items. In literature, this problem is also denominated the Generalized Knapsack Sharing Problem (GKSP). The GKSP is NP-hard because it lays on the 0–1 knapsack problem and the knapsack sharing problem. The proposed exact method is based on a rigorous decomposition technique which leads to an intense simplification of the solution procedure for the GKSP. Furthermore, in order to accelerate the procedure for finding the optimum solution, an upper bound and several reduction strategies are considered. Computational results on two sets of benchmark instances from literature show that the proposed method outperforms the other approaches in most instances.

Keywords: Exact decomposition; Knapsack; Sharing; Reduction; Upper bound.

Isma Dahmani, Mhand Hifi, Lei Wu (corresponding author)


Benchmark instances: download